速報APP / 健康塑身 / Professional Toolkit (PT)

Professional Toolkit (PT)


檔案大小:39.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖1)-速報App

Professional Toolkit uniquely allows health trainers to manage thier clients and clients to communicate with thier trainers, set up sessions, track thier health progress. The app is designed by health trainers who understand the need for a more of professional way to

Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖2)-速報App

● To manage client training sessions

Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖3)-速報App

● Handle trainer client communication

Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖4)-速報App

● Trainers to provide news to all clients. ●Users will also be able to participate in health forums receive notifications from their trainer.

Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖5)-速報App

● Professional Toolkit (PT) has a lot more planned features for you as our main in focus is simplicity and efficiency.

Professional Toolkit (PT)(圖6)-速報App

● and more...
